In its depictions of rural scenes and dreamlike African COSMOLOGIES, Sebidi’s art illustrates a pre-Christian and pre-colonial Africa. In this work, one of her more imposing pieces, the eye is drawn into the act of supplication in the centre of the three-part structure.
This mythical tableau is notable for the MATRIARCHAL – or at least female – nature of most of its characters, and its suggestion of women’s spiritual and ritual power. The musicians in the right panel, and the small illustrations of ways of life – a dog, the wearing of fabrics and hides – show us a rich and complex world.
The work demonstrates Sebidi’s distinctive style, with the colour juxtapositions, SYMBOLISM and stippled, pointillist technique all evident.
Artwork courtesy of Spier Arts Trust.
Artwork Info
Helen Sebidi
Mixed media
230 x 300 centimeters